Sunday, July 4, 2010

Toronto Island

What's up?! I am going to talk about what I did yesterday. I went to toronto island and St. Lawrence Market with my family. At St. Lawrence, we bought some snack foods such as cheese, a baguette, and some meats to eat on the island. When we got to the island, we put together a sandwich with all our food. After that, we sat in the sun enjoying the beautiful weather. I played soccer with my new soccer ball and had a popsicle. Then we went to the beach and took the ferry back to Toronto. All in all it was a great day. Peace! Oh, and here are some pics I took on our journey:

(just in case!)
(interesting looking things)
(pretty fountain in downtown Toronto)
(beautiful landscape by my mom!)


  1. Are those Currants or mutant Gooseberries?


  2. Nice work kiddo! Love the blog. Great photos!

  3. They are currants I believe. Thanks for commenting guys! :)
