Monday, July 5, 2010


Hmph. I dislike daycare VERY much. Today was my first day at daycare, or you could say the worst day of my life. So to start off the day, we went outside into the scorching hot weather for an hour. Then, two of my "friends" start hitting me on the head with their flip-flops. And trust me, it hurts more than you think. Then they wrote words about me that weren't nice at all. They called me swear words and other things that made me feel like garbage. To top that off I got a headache from them yelling at the teachers. To even top that off, they threw tiny wooden blocks at me. Then I finally got home from that freak madhouse and called my friend to see if she was back from her trip. Yep. You guessed it! She wasn't home. Quite a day, huh? :*(


  1. Aww. Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Hopefully tomorrow is a bit better. I love the way you describe things! Keep blogging, I look forward to more adventures from the Freak Madhouse :) ~Lauren

  2. LOL! "freak madhouse", eh? Well you let me know if you need a pair of flip flops and what size and colour so you can hit them back next time. Keep up the great blogging Chips!

  3. Thanks for commenting! Today was a better day at the freak madhouse! LOL! Anyway, TTYL peeps!

  4. i posted a comment but it didn't show up. boo! anyways glad it was a better day today! :)

  5. You need me to come visit the school and straighten those kids out? I'm kidding. Glad to hear it's getting better honey.
