Monday, July 26, 2010


Today I want to tell you about my rabbit Yoyo. Yoyo is a female rabbit, but when I got her everybody thought she was a he. Before I got Yoyo, I had two other pet rabbits. Their names were Petunia, and Daisy. Daisy and Petunia didn't live very long. Daisy had Cataracts, and Petunia had a biting problem so we had to give them away. But as for Yoyo she has a pretty good life. She has been alive for over four years and she lives with my grandparents in another city. Obviously they are doing a great job of raising a rabbit. Thank you for that! Well, here is a pic of my rabbit.


  1. Yoyo seems very content with your granparents. She's lucky to have so many people that care about her.
