Sunday, July 25, 2010

It started with an omelette...

Today I made breakfast for my family. I made omelettes for everybody, and strawberry french toast for me and my mom. I was inspired to do this because we had recently watched Julie and Julia - a movie about a blogger that follows Julia Child's recipes. So I simply looked up Julia Child on You Tube and there was a quick and easy omelette recipe. The following morning I made it all by myself. The week after that I looked in one of my magazines and I found a strawberry french toast recipe. I tried it this morning and it was so good. I hope I can get a chance to cook more often and blog about my experience. But until then, Bon Appetit!


  1. Damn! Sorry I missed that! Hope u r bringing your camera and keen mind to High Park this weekend.

  2. Mmmm. You can come over and cook breakfast for us any time, Hannah!
