Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy anniversary!

Yesterday my family and I celebrated our third anniversary of "being a family". Well, it was the anniversary of my parents being married but I guess you could say that if my parents got married we all become a whole big happy family. To celebrate, we went to a really fancy restaurant called Bodega. Bodega is a cute little french restaurant with lovely looking food. We ordered escargot, a beet salad for my mom, and a pan seared tomato salad with feta cheese and onion crisps. Those were our appetizers. Our entrees were a vegetarian tower, and chicken breast with grilled sweet potato & bacon hash with rosemary walnut oil dressing. And finally for desert we had two vanilla creme brulees and a chocolate pecan pie. It was so good! I hope we can go there again soon! But until then, TTYL!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Today I want to tell you about my rabbit Yoyo. Yoyo is a female rabbit, but when I got her everybody thought she was a he. Before I got Yoyo, I had two other pet rabbits. Their names were Petunia, and Daisy. Daisy and Petunia didn't live very long. Daisy had Cataracts, and Petunia had a biting problem so we had to give them away. But as for Yoyo she has a pretty good life. She has been alive for over four years and she lives with my grandparents in another city. Obviously they are doing a great job of raising a rabbit. Thank you for that! Well, here is a pic of my rabbit.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It started with an omelette...

Today I made breakfast for my family. I made omelettes for everybody, and strawberry french toast for me and my mom. I was inspired to do this because we had recently watched Julie and Julia - a movie about a blogger that follows Julia Child's recipes. So I simply looked up Julia Child on You Tube and there was a quick and easy omelette recipe. The following morning I made it all by myself. The week after that I looked in one of my magazines and I found a strawberry french toast recipe. I tried it this morning and it was so good. I hope I can get a chance to cook more often and blog about my experience. But until then, Bon Appetit!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Today I thought I would like to talk about ice cream because ice cream is the best cold thing you can have in hot weather, except for water of course. My favourite kind of ice cream is Neapolitan because it is all three of my favourite kinds of ice cream combined. I like ice cream because it doesn't fully freeze so it gives a weird but tasty fell to your tongue and it just melts sinfully in your mouth. Mmm...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gogos Crazy Bones!

Hello! Sorry to my Mom and you guys 'cause I've broken my promise to write everyday. Hope you will understand. I have been busy enjoying the summer. But today I will talk about Gogos crazy bones. Gogos are little figures that you can play with and each gogo has a different and unique design. They are almost like mini designer toys for kids to play with. They all have special traits that you can find on the gogos website. Gogos are really awesome and they are totally in. :D

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mini Coopers are so dang cute. Every time I see a Mini Cooper car I say "Mini Cooper!" . My favorite is the metallic teal blue one. when I am older I am going to buy one when ever I can afford one! until then, I will keep dreaming about them. Talk to you later!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Laser tag

Today I played laser tag with my daycare. We each chose our own player names and mine was Bull's Eye. Me and my friends wanted to do Toy Story 3 character names and my friends' names were Lil Bo-Peep, Barbie, Ken, and Jesse. We had a really fun time and I came in second place. Yay! TTYL! Bye.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Horror movie!

I just watched a really scary horror movie and it was called "Drag Me to Hell". It was funny at times and it was also a clever story. I just hope I don't have nightmares tonight!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cute little bunny!

Okay, i am sorry for missing a blog post yesterday... I wasn't allowed to use the computer because, well, I got into trouble and was not allowed to use the computer. Okay okay!!! I know! But sometimes it just happens, you know? Nobody's perfect! Anyway, here is a cute video of a little baby bunny! Awww! So cute!

I have a little bunny that lives with my grandparents and her name is Yoyo. It is a lop-eared bunny and it is black and white. she is old now. i got her when i was like five. She is six in human years and that is considered a long time for rabbits to live. well, got to go now! TTYL! :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A nice walk

Here are a few snapshots of a lovely walk I took today with my family.

Hello! Today we took a walk in our neighborhood and went to pick up some things for dinner. We bought a wrap with cheese and beans, some tuna salad, some fried rice, and dessert which was cheesecake for me, and a mini lemon tart for my Mom. After that, we went to a tea shop. We had a fruity tea and rooibos to taste, and two tea lattes for the grown ups. We walked home and had our dinner while watching a horror movie called "The 'Burbs". Funny movie, I would say. And that's a wrap!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Jokes, jokes!

Here is a little joke that I told Sire today: So Sire wanted to throw out one of my suckers that I have had for a while, so Sire says- "Hey, you can't keep a sucker for a month!" and I say to him- "Well yes I can! I live with one!!! Get it? Funny, eh? :D

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's too hot here!!!

Today was so super hot! I can even say I was melting literally because sweat is you melting... Right? Just kidding! Well, today I forgot to bring my bathing suit to daycare because we were going swimming in really cold water at the park. So my solution was to just go in my shorts! It was the weirdest feeling ever! As if you were swimming with a diaper on! It was also bike day and we went outside three times to ride our bikes. It was refreshing even just to know that we were going to buy some water! That is how hot it was! According to the weather it is supposed to be like this for the rest of the month. Kinda good, and kinda bad. Well, signing out! Bye!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Quick post!

I have to go to bed soon but I didn't want to miss a blog post to break my promise, so today I went to my friend's house and had a really fun water fight. We also went on an adventure to the park which was right behind my friend's house. We played soccer with five other kids around the same age as us. It was very very fun!

Good night! :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today at daycare!

Today at daycare it was much better in terms of having a bad day. So for one, my friend only stayed at daycare until two o'clock, and my other friend let me play on her i-pod touch. So all I have to say is today was a good day. :)

Monday, July 5, 2010


Hmph. I dislike daycare VERY much. Today was my first day at daycare, or you could say the worst day of my life. So to start off the day, we went outside into the scorching hot weather for an hour. Then, two of my "friends" start hitting me on the head with their flip-flops. And trust me, it hurts more than you think. Then they wrote words about me that weren't nice at all. They called me swear words and other things that made me feel like garbage. To top that off I got a headache from them yelling at the teachers. To even top that off, they threw tiny wooden blocks at me. Then I finally got home from that freak madhouse and called my friend to see if she was back from her trip. Yep. You guessed it! She wasn't home. Quite a day, huh? :*(

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Toronto Island

What's up?! I am going to talk about what I did yesterday. I went to toronto island and St. Lawrence Market with my family. At St. Lawrence, we bought some snack foods such as cheese, a baguette, and some meats to eat on the island. When we got to the island, we put together a sandwich with all our food. After that, we sat in the sun enjoying the beautiful weather. I played soccer with my new soccer ball and had a popsicle. Then we went to the beach and took the ferry back to Toronto. All in all it was a great day. Peace! Oh, and here are some pics I took on our journey:

(just in case!)
(interesting looking things)
(pretty fountain in downtown Toronto)
(beautiful landscape by my mom!)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hello and good morning! Beautiful day isn't it?! I met a cute little baby yesterday. She was so good when I met her. She slept and she didn't cry much. Little things are so cute. They are the best things that the world has to offer. LOL! There is something you have to know about me and my mom. We love little things! From cute food erasers to babies! Well, off to buy a soccer ball! See you guys later! :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hello again! Let me tell you about my challenge given to me by my Mom. She challenges me to write a blog post every day. Let's see how well I can keep up! TTYL!
Last night we had dinner at the Korean Grill House. OMG! Their food is the best!!! Here is a glimpse of what a great time we had:

(a greasy LOL done by moi!)
(Mmmm!!! Ribs!)
Hey folks!!! Bored again because of summer holidays... I have nothing to do except read my Twilight book and watch Sponge-Bob. Blogging relieves my boredom so I' m all good! Today we went to see if we could buy Super Mario Galaxy but we decided that we did not want it new. We will wait until there is a used copy! Well I better go since I have to read my book so see ya! :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good afternoon my peeps! Happy Canada Day!!! Four years ago I was saying goodbye to my family to move where I live now! Lets all celebrate canada! Hip, Hip, Hooray!