Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hello everybody! Today I felt like writing about my "job". Well, I say job only because I get paid to do it. My job is reviewing books and movies for a horror magazine. It is quite funny how I write for a magazine that I can't even read because it is for adults. I am working on two reviews right now, one is a science experiment book that is called "Scary Science", and a DVD of little shows that is called "Madeline's Halloween and Other Spooky Tales". Well, I would like to give the review for the Madeline thing in today so, TTYL!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


You have no clue how dissapointed I am in myself for not updating my blog. I am so sorry! Well I guess I should tell you what I have been doing for the past days that I haven't been writing on my blog. Pretty much all I have been doing is hanging with my friends and family. Let's all give a round of applause to my aunt as it is her birthday today!!! Happy Birthday to you! And I almost forgot to tell you guys that I got an email account! It was so exciting because I had wanted one my whole life! Well, other than that I have nothing else to write about so TTYL!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ahhh, Japan!

Today I thought that I would talk to you about my journey to Japan. Two years ago my family and I went to Japan to visit friends and also to see the wonderful country. My favourite part was going to the onsen with my family and friend. An onsen is a public bath that people go to to relax in hot baths like hot tubs. Some baths are hotter or colder than others so that you can find a bath that you like most. But you have to wash yourself first before you enter any of the baths. They give you a bottle of shampoo and conditioner to wash your hair, and a bottle of body wash for your body. The onsen was so nice and refreshing. After you had your time at the onsen, there was a nice cafe where you could get a nice cup of tea.

Well, there is a bit of my experience at Japan.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Friendships are confusing. my friends are so hard to read. Are they trying to tell my that they want to be my friend forever or are they trying to tell me that they don't want to be friends any more? Well whatever it is I don't want to lose anybody. We were all a group last year in grade 4 but now we are slowly drifting apart. I was the one to bring together our whole group because before it was just me and this other girl and then I changed grades and then I grew closer to these other two girls that my other friend wasn't close to. Then the new girls met these other girls and we started hanging out with them and my old friend loved them but now I am kind of fading away. This might sound truly confusing to you but it is sad. I just want to have my friends forever.


Hello! I haven't really been talking about cheese considering my blog name is Chips and Cheese Please. So let me tell you a bit about me and cheese. My favourite kind of cheese is havarti and I like it because there are many different flavours and it is just so creamy. I don't like very strong types of cheese but I do like the Greek feta. Feta is salty and has a nice soft texture. I like it when cheese is in dips like asiago dip which is so good. I also like asiago because it is slightly salty but not too salty and has almost the same flavour of feta. If you have no clue what any of this cheese is you should think about trying some. If you like salty, then you might like feta. If you like creamy, you might like havarti. Well, that is just my opinion. There are many cheese lovers out there and many kinds of cheese too!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm so glad I'm home!

Back from the cottage as you can see! My two friends and I went to my friend's cottage on Tuesday. Her brother came and brought a friend too. We stayed for three days and left at four today. We had so much fun. Her cottage was right by Lake Huron, so close all you had to do to get there was walk down a few stairs. We went swimming everyday and l got a nice tan. My friend has two german shepherds that she brought along. At the cottage she has private property which includes a river, a lot of sand, and the lake. We all dug a stream of river to the lake which took days. In the end, it didn't work. It was fun while it lasted though.

This is Jessie.
This is Sam. (Aren't they so cute?!)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cottage Time!

Hello! I just have to tell you that I won't be writing for a reason this time... Because I'm going to my friend's cottage!!! We are going for two days and coming back on the 12. It's almost like three sleepovers in a row! I have only been to a cottage once in my life but I've been to the lake before. So when I get back, I will surly inform you on what I have done. But until then, ta ta for now :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 7

Today at camp we did alternative endings for a Nancy Drew book. The page we read was about Nancy's friend being poisoned by ice cream. We read the page a few times and we wrote what we thought happened to her. My theory was that evil villains escaped from jail and poisoned Bess. Awww, it's the last day of camp :( Well, I feel like I had a great time and learned a lot of things I haven't realized before. Well, bye!

August 6

Today at camp we made random sentences (well, in my case, paragraphs). How it worked was our teacher wrote random things on the board and we had to write about the random thing we chose. I chose Justin Bieber and a gold ring. For Justin I wrote about meeting him at the Molson Ampitheatre (which is not true by the way), and for the gold ring I wrote about giving it to Justin Bieber. Oh, man I wish those sentences could be true...

August 5

Today at camp we learned about poems. we learned what ABAB meant as well as AABB which are both kinds of ways to write a poem. My poem was about food. I wrote about chicken wings, ice cream, chips and cheese. My pattern was AABB and it was really funny. And that is pretty much what we did so TTYL!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Friend's house!

Today me and my bff are having a sleepover, or as we like to call it, "an awake over". So what we have done so far was watch 17 again, play charades, play with her hamster, doing ugly makeovers, and pretending to be Hannah Montana. It has been really fun so far but we should go brush our teeth now. Kk, TTYL!

August 4

Today at camp we made comics. My comic was about a character that gets bullied by Big Bad Bruce and then B.B. Bruce says sorry and they become friends. Other comics were about A Bad Job, Bionic Blob and even a pringle factory! At the end of each day, we all gave our pieces of writing to the teacher and she photocopied them so we could add it to our little newspapers. TTYL!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 3

Today was my first day of writing camp. We read newspaper articles to learn about headlines, subheadings, pictures, and captions. After we learned the basics, we got to write our own articles. Some articles were about sports or a hovercraft made by a kid. My article was about a new iphone. The sixth generation i phone. It is exactly like the old iphone except it has a colour printer attached. It also has a limited time offer 15 dollar gift card to itunes, and new apps! By the way, this product is not real... yet.

August 2

Today we went to the Bata Shoe Museum to look at the amazing shoes from the year 1000 to now a days. My favorite shoes were the chopines. Chopines are shoes that are really tall, about two feet tall. Usually people wore them to tower over people and protect their shoes from mud and dirt. After that we went to Kensington Market. We tried to go to one of our favorite lunch places but they were closed so instead we went to a vegetarian restaurant called Kings. We had soy drumsticks, a bento box, a kids meal, and enoki mushrooms and spinach. Unfortunately our waitress didn't know how to speak english at all, but we got another waiter who was very clumsy. He was slow and he almost dropped the plates when we were done eating. But at least the meal was good! Then we went home to chill and then we made our way to The Real Jerk (or the best Caribbean restaurant in Toronto). There we had dumplings, plantain, chicken and rice, jerk shrimp and jerk shrimp salad, and chickpeas and potatoes and rice. We had a really friendly and funny waiter. We have always had great service at The Real Jerk. After our great meal, we went home and went to sleep.

August 1 Saturday

Today me and the adults split up because I went to my friends house while the adults went to chapters, David's Tea, and Max's Market. At my friend's house we looked for salamanders under rocks in the forest. We found one baby. It looked kind of out of place so we set it free under a rock. I came home and we ate risotto on our deck and chatted. It was so good! When we were done, we all watched the movie Cats And Dogs the original. It was such a great humourous film. A great way to end the night.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 31 Saturday

Today we went to Niagara Falls! It took forever to drive there almost like two and a half hours and when we finally got there we went to two wineries and all the adults tried the wine (not me of course). After that we looked at the stunning falls and after that we went to the street with all the arcades and haunted houses and games. First we went to the haunted house. It was funny and scary at the same time. So that was pretty fun to start off the night. Then we went to an arcade, played some really fun games and traded in the tickets I won for a wooden snake. Then we ate at one of our favorite restaurants called Canyon Creek. We sat by a window with a great view of the falls.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

30 of July

Yesterday a guest came over and she is going to stay over until Tuesday. So for dinner we went to the Korean Grill House and had a great time as usual. Tomorrow is going to be extra fun because we are going to Niagara Falls!

July 30 Friday

At daycare today we had a chef competition to see who's group did better. The groups were called Chocolate Cupcakes and Vanilla Cupcakes. I was in the Chocolate Cupcake group. My group put in chocolate chips, pineapples, and one raisin so that it would be like a game of "who gets the raisin". So once the cupcakes were ready, we each ate ours and then we gave one cupcake to the coordinator and she would judge which group had the best cupcake. The chocolate group won! And the cupcakes were good!


I am falling apart! But to make up all of my losses, I am going make up by writing about all the fun times I had.