Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hello again. I have come to planet earth to tell you about converse. Converse are cool. In grade 5 my friends and I were the Converse Crew. We all had Converse. We made up a dance to go with our appearance. We also made Converse circles (putting our feet together making a large and colourful circle) which looked really cool! We all had different colours too! anyway, all I have to say is... CONVERSE ROCK!


This is what our converse circles would look like

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Arts and crafts!

Today my mom and I were doing crafts all afternoon. She made two mini felted bunny rabbits - one orange and one white. I also made one in red, as well a mini table that my mom put tiny paper placemats and napkins on. We got the ideas from this book that we got in Japan. It was filled with a bunch of cute little projects like a mini umbrella, miniature food, and tiny furniture. I had a fun time listening to awesome tunes while we did our crafts. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Mmm, beemster! Beemster is my second favorite cheese (havarti being my first). My whole family likes beemster cheese! Beemster is Dutch. i like beemster because it is creamy and salty sweet. Well, I just thought I would tell you peeps about the best cheese in the world called beemster! TTYL!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School!!!

It was the first day of school today!!! It was so awesome! I have awesome classmates meaning all my friends are in the same class for the third year! We also have a new teacher, Ms. L. She is the best teacher in the world. No jokes. This is why: she lets us sit wherever we want, she lets us have extra recess, and she is so funny! She said she is easy going but strict when she has to be. We had a math test straight up on the first day of school. But, I have to say it was very easy and I finished it quickly. It was cool seeing all my friends again. The first day was a success! :)